Sunday, July 1, 2012


Sunday... a day of rest...OR you can check your old hard drives and see what you'll find there!

I found old songs that I recorded in 2007 and that I'd almost forgotten. Back then, I used Cubase SX and a bad microphone, which explains the poor sound quality. I won't post these old recordings on the blog, BUT I will try to do some remakes of them and then post one or more of them here. 

The difference between the songs that I wrote back then and the songs that I write now, is that the melodies and the structures of the old songs don't follow a "normal" pattern. Listening to them is actually pretty liberating, since I just wrote the songs without any other purpose than creating melodies and lyrics that I liked, not what I thought that other people would like. Nowadays I'm doing both, but when I work with music publishers it's difficult to "be myself", since they have artists looking for specific songs. I don't know how many times I worked on leads, that only made me depressed.
I've realized that I should be grateful that I have my own sound! I'm not mainstream in any way, so why should I try to sound mainstream? ;)

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